Artigos de Dario Rodrigues no Jornal Observador

15 Dec

Open-Source NVIDIA AI Launch: a Big Step Toward Digital Decentralization

14 Oct

With the launch of its revolutionary AI model, NVLMD 72B, NVIDIA has done more than introduce another powerful tool to the tech world—it has set the stage for a new way of thinking about artificial intelligence and how we build our digital future. This open-source, multimodal model, capable of processing text and visuals, is more […]

Digital Decentralization Against AI-Driven Disinformation

24 Sep

Why digital decentralization is the key to protecting democracy in an era dominated by AI-fueled disinformation. We live in an era where information is the lifeblood coursing through the veins of our global, interconnected, and digital society. However, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and sophisticated algorithms on social media is intensifying levels of disinformation, […]

Descentralização Digital Contra a Desinformação Impulsionada pela Inteligência Artificial

24 Sep

Porque é que a descentralização digital é a chave para proteger a democracia numa era dominada pela desinformação alimentada pela IA. Vivemos numa era em que a informação é o sangue que corre nas veias da nossa sociedade global, interconectada e digital. Contudo, a ascensão da inteligência artificial (IA) e de algoritmos sofisticados nas redes […]

Digital Decentralization: Ethical Democracy via Blockchain and AI

7 Jul

Today, Prof. Dario Rodrigues, PhD, with the special collaboration of Dr. Pedro Santana Lopes, former Prime Minister of Portugal, launched an unmissable series of 20 episodes on YouTube (each about 3 minutes long), exploring how blockchain and AI impact democracy, privacy, and freedom. Based on the book “Digital Decentralization: Ethical Democracy via Blockchain and AI,” […]


17 Dec

In the early chapters of human civilization, trust had almost nothing to know or doubt. It resided in small circles of kinship and very close relations in families, clans, and tribes. In these united ancestral communities, trusting was as natural as breathing. Trust was built with face-to-face interactions, shared experiences, and mutual dependencies. Breaking the […]


17 Dec

1. Da confiança ancestral à situação atual Nos primeiros capítulos da civilização humana, a confiança não tinha quase nada que saber ou duvidar. Residia nos pequenos círculos de parentesco e relações muito próximas em famílias, clãs e tribos. Nestas unidas comunidades ancestrais, confiar era tão natural como respirar. A confiança era construída com interações cara […]

Liderança Tecnológica face à IA e à Cultura de Cancelamento

1 Dec

Felizmente, alguns líderes antecipam soluções cruciais: Sam Altman usa a criptografia para proteger os humanos da IA, e Elon Musk muda modelos de negócios e mobiliza a comunidade para prevenir o cancelamento da divergência. Depois do Conselho de Administração da OpenAI ter despedido Sam Altman, acusando-o de “não ser consistentemente sincero”, muitos colaboradores da empresa […]

Tech Leadership: Addressing AI and Cancel Culture

28 Nov

Fortunately, some leaders anticipate critical solutions: Sam Altman uses cryptography to protect humans from AI, and Elon Musk changes business models and mobilizes the community to prevent cancellation. After OpenAI’s Board of Directors fired Sam Altman, accusing him of ‘not being consistently sincere,’ many company employees who had helped create ChatGPT resigned or threatened to […]

Money Multiverse to Human Stigmergy

23 Jul

In the current socioeconomic reality, money and power intertwine in a corrosive cycle that weakens fundamental human values and fuels corruption, with war and arms trade being the most devastating examples. There is an urgent need to rethink the one-dimensional nature of our monetary system, where financial incentives are deeply disconnected from human values. The […]

Twitter Freebird

10 Jan

Elon Musk can help free humanity from predatory business models and expose the viral spreading of dangerous beliefs. Greed and partisanship influence false memories and leads individuals to accept pseudo-lies as accurate, increasing citizens’ predisposition to assimilate fake news and false narratives. It is not enough to observe the polarized electoral results in several European […]

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